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Management & Leadership

FOUNDATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Setting Clear Expectations

Clear expectations are necessary for a high performing team. Here are five ways to start.

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Management & Leadership

FOUNDATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Mastering Communication

Communication tips for leaders, 5 tips.

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Management & LeadershipExecutive coach playing VR Beat Saber

5 Strengths of a Good Leader

Leadership can be uncomfortable at times. Here are 5 ways to overcome angst.

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Management & LeadershipRaindrops on windshield

How leadership is like driving in the rain

Leadership and driving in the rain share similarities; they require adaptability, clear vision, and the ability to navigate through uncertainty.

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Management & LeadershipCar gauges to monitor performance

Four skills every manager needs to perfect

Managers need to assess the culture of their teams. Here are four ways to get it done right.

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Management & LeadershipCover photo The Drive to Lead: Mastering the Art of Leadership Behind the Wheel

Why don't you write a book?

What's it like to write a book? My reflections.

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Two chickens in pasture, use GOAL framework for meeting management

GOAL Framework for Meetings

Running around like a chicken with your head cut off - follow the simple GOAL framework.

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Management & LeadershipSherlock Holmes quote as related to leadership coaching

You See, But You Do Not Observe

Being observant is key to great leadership. Sherlock Holmes gets Watson to realize this, and this blog gives you some ideas.

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Management & Leadership5 ways to manage pressure

5 Ways to Manage Pressure

5 Simple ways to help you and your team manage pressure

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PoetryView of a daffodil from perspective of an ant

The Ant in Spring

Perspective is everything - how do you see the world?

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Self-AwarenessBalloon bursting coaching & vision to avoid breaking point

Breaking Point – Using Vision for Resilience

Stress is inherent in life. How can you use your vision to get you through?

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PoetrySunrise over the trees, be intentional in your day

Morning Choices

Each day offers a new opportunity, do we take it?

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Management & LeadershipTrees down after storm

Tornados of Change

Change can be like a violent storm, how can you succeed on the other side?

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Poetrybee hatching and wearing pollen pants

Life of a bee

The life of the bee is one of focus and intention, much like Sparked's coaching philosophy.

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PoetryTrees experience history and share little. Trees in the woods.


Reflective poetry: Trees experience history and life

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Self-AwarenessRoad sign guiding direction and speed

Finding your direction

Questions to ask that keep you on the journey YOU want.

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Management & LeadershipTorn up sidewalk goes around tree

Innovation and disruption – 5 keys to strategic growth

Successful companies routinely challenge the status quo and avoid falling into 'this is how we've always done it' trap. Build disruption into your strategy.

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Self-AwarenessReflecting on your day is a great way to ensure you are intentionally moving toward success.

How was your day?

Time management and resilience start with reflecting on your day. Here's a simple approach.

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Self-AwarenessReset button Sparked Coaching

5 Simple (and short) ways to press your reset button

Do you ever just feel 'blah?' Or overwhelmed and paralyzed? Here's 5 tips for a quick reset.

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Management & LeadershipClouds at the beach

Clearing the air: Why difficult conversations are necessary

Avoiding conflict is a bad choice all around. It's stressful waiting for the encounter, and there is more to clear the longer you wait. Here are 5 ways to facilitate that conversation.

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Management & LeadershipBack into the office is coming...set the culture right

3 Ways you can help set the culture for return to work

To avoid a 'Game of Thrones' environment, practice these three behaviors.

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Management & LeadershipWeights out of balance

5 Ways to Strengthen Weakness

Using your strengths to improve your weaknesses is a great start toward balance.

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Self-AwarenessAmerican flag and freedom

Honoring those who gave their all

How you can honor those who gave their lives for freedom.

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Self-Awarenessmea culpa take ACTION

ACTION - the antidote to excuses

Simple ACTION steps to stop making excuses, take ownership, and move forward.

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Dare to be Different and DO!

Simple ways to create focus to reflect on your annual goals. Make the time!

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Self-AwarenessPine trees broken by ice

5 Ways To Avoid Your Breaking Point

Sometimes you know when things aren't quite right, but you tell yourself you can manage. Here's 5 ways to help manage before breaking.

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Management & Leadership2021 calendar

Plan and Remember

One month is down, how are you tracking against your personal and professional goals? Here's a process to help.

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Self-AwarenessRecipe photo. Credit: Becca Tapert

The Recipe for Personal and Professional Goal Setting

The new year brings about resolutions for many. Here's a perfect recipe for making them the best and sticking to them.

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Management & Leadership

5 ways to acknowledge and celebrate a dispersed team

As restrictions remain in place, people are running out of ways to celebrate individual or team success. 5 reasons why it’s important and ideas to help.

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Self-AwarenessThe grinch who stole reason and restraint

Everyone is crazy!

People are trying to maintain composure when stresses are all around. Are you joining them?

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Self-AwarenessAngels making music in art

Own the 'new normal'

2020 is a year most of us won't forget. Take ownership of the changes and use the time to grow.

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Management & LeadershipExecutive coaching conversation

Tossing the gauntlet - will you pick it up?

A simple way for you to not only help yourself, but help others - will you do it?

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Self-AwarenessBalancing life is like walking a tightrope. Coaching can help

5 ways to bring back balance

Struggling to keep life balanced now that your world is mostly constrained to four walls? Here are 5 tips to help you regain balance.

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Self-AwarenessFeet over the edge needing reset

5 ways to reset change fatigue

Headlines and ‘news’ are showering change upon us at what seems to be an unprecedented rate. Here are 5 ways to create a means to manage and process the present.

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Coaching - GeneralTransitions, like fires can create a new beginning.

Life's transitions - manage the 'burn'

Every individual experiences transitions in their lives to some degree. Managing through them is a challenge, coaches can help you through.

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Management & Leadershippiano keyboard

Four questions to be ready to answer when restrictions are lifted

The world has changed over the past several weeks. Have you thought what questions your employees will ask you how their work will be different upon returning to the office? Here are four questions you should have well thought out responses.

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Management & Leadershipvirtual meetings can get redundant what can we do about it

Team Motivation - New Ideas

Creativity flows in some and not so much in others. Let’s help by sharing our ideas for engaging teams over long periods of time.

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Management & Leadershipremote working desktop

Remote Working 101

Life always throws curves, especially when we're not prepared. Help yourself and your team manage remote working with some simple guidelines.

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Self-AwarenessGrowth on blueberry bush after cutting

Experience Growth After the 'Cut'

Changes in life happen. Read how corporate 'cuts' are analogous to making cuttings in the garden.

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Management & LeadershipSparked, LLC Executive Coaching strategic Planning

Strategic Planning - With a Twist

Strategic planning is done every year with an eye toward making next year better – here’s a unique twist to strengthen your approach.

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Management & LeadershipProject teamwork leads to successful flight

Taking Flight: What I've learned Watching My Kids Learn A New Hobby

Effective teams require lots of moving parts to align - without attitudes or egos. Look to the young for examples.

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Self-AwarenessPeas infuse nitrogen into the soil - what do you do?

3 Steps To Recharge - A Lesson From Gardening

Farmers know that for the best soil health to rotate crops and use nitrogen fixers; what do you do to recharge?

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Management & LeadershipRespect one another for true communication

Communication - 5 Reasons We Don't Really Listen

Communication skills are critical to everyday interactions. Underpinning the five reasons I list is respect – does your respect for your colleague come through?

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Self-AwarenessReflecting on the ocean can help you bring your best

5 Ways to Bring Your Best

Here are 5 tips that help get your mind focused on the tasks at hand.

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Management & LeadershipCoaching gives confidence and traction

4 Actions That Give You Traction as a Leader

Many times we reflect on something we've said or done and wished we had prepared better. Here's how.

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Self-AwarenessThyme is of the essense - coaching mindfulness

Thyme Is (of) The Essence

Time, it’s one thing in life we can’t negotiate for more - or get any back. How do we ensure that we use it wisely and model that behavior for our teams?

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Management & Leadershipoverwhelemed to delegate - sparked coaching

Why do we do this to ourselves?

This could never be you, right? I don't have time to train them. This client is too important for me not to do it. Have those words have entered your thoughts? We know delegating and empowering others is the right thing to do, why don't we do it?

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Coaching - GeneralRoad signs indicating closed - can't go forward - coaching can help

Roadblock Ahead...

We all wrestle with things every day. How long do you let that struggle control your actions and behavior? What tools do you use to get through? Sometimes the petty and simple consume us and we need help to push through.

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Self-AwarenessRoadsigns that point different directions. Use coaching to help you find your way.

Transitions – Part II: Finding Which Direction Is Right For You

Have you ever thought to yourself, in a career sense, why am I doing what I'm doing? Maybe you're at a point in your career to step back and think. In this follow-up to What Do I Want To Be When I grow Up, you'll take your initial thoughts, build your roadmap, and set your direction.

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Self-AwarenessMap depicting getting to next stage in your life, can be through leadership coaching

Transitions – Part I: What do I want to be when I grow up?

Eisenhower had a variation on a Moltke quote that is appropriate to this blog: "In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable." Do you have a plan, a direction that will guide and drive your satisfaction and success? You don’t have to go it alone, a professional coach can help you navigate and reflect.

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Management & LeadershipTeam efficiency inspired by leader motivation

Motivation – Getting You and Your Team Moving the Same Direction

Have you ever been part of a team where everyone feels they're communicating, but no one really understands? If an image of Abbott and Costello's 'Who's on First' routine pops into your mind, this post can help motivate and get the team moving the right direction.

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Management & LeadershipHaving honest conversations - leadership

Difficult Conversations – Part II: Have the Conversation

The majority of us avoid difficult conversations - and this is recognized by those around us. Part II of my blog gives you a technique and some tools to have the conversation.

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Management & LeadershipAssess you to have frank conversations

Difficult Conversations – Part I: Start with you

The majority of us avoid difficult conversations - and this is recognized by those around us. Hopefully, this series will give you the confidence to reflect on the situation and then do something about it.

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Coaching - GeneralSparked Leadership Coaching provides results

Why do I need a professional coach?

Coaches provide an impartial, safe environment that challenges you to expand your thinking and become aware of your 'presence'. If you are going through a transition, or have received feedback that shows a behavior you'd like to change, it may be time to consider an executive or leadership coach.

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